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Access & Transport

Road access will be via an improved access along the route of the existing road to Purely Plants Garden Centre.  The improved access has been designed in accordance with the Oxfordshire Design Guide and will be widened to include footways on both sides merging into a shared surface within the development.

The Garden Centre at present generates around 130 – 150 movements per day at peak times. The proposed development is forecast to generate around 30 two-way vehicle trips during the peak hours.

A Transport Assessment will be carried out to understand the cumulative impact of new homes which will identify mitigation that may be needed. This will be submitted with the planning application.

Sustainable Travel

Nicholas King Homes are keen to promote walking and cycling through linking the new homes into the existing network of footpaths and cycleways.

Linking into Walking & Cycling Routes

The new homes will benefit from a series of existing footpaths. To the north-west, footpaths merge to a shared pedestrian/ cycleway from Slade End Roundabout to High Road/ Slade End junction along both sides of High Road and provide a route to Brightwell-cum-Sotwell. To the southeast footpaths continue along both sides of Station Road leading to the High Street and local amenities and shops in the town centre.

Whilst there are currently no public rights of way across the site, Footpath 14/26 runs parallel along the north western boundary, we believe there are opportunities for this footpath to link through the new homes.

Nearby cycle routes include NCR5 which is accessed on Wantage Road as shown in the plan opposite. NCR5 is a long-distance route connecting Reading and Holyhead via Oxford, Stratford-Upon Avon, Bromsgrove, Birmingham, Stoke-on-Trent, Chester, Colwyn Bay, and Bangor.

Map showing Wallingford’s Local Cycle Network

Public Transport

Residents will be able to benefit from the proximity of these new homes to the existing public transport network and from the expanded bus network/routes that will come forward as part of larger developments. The nearest bus stops to the proposed new homes are on High Road approximately 300m from the centre of the site. Further stops on Wantage Road are approximately 380m which are serviced by the number 33 (Abingdon, Stratton Way – Wallingford, Market Place) and BB2 (Clifton, Hampden, Post Office – Didcot Girls School). The site is also well-connected to the rail network at Cholsey and Didcot Parkway.

A Travel Plan will be submitted alongside the planning application outlining the best methods of sustainable travel in the area.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Edward Poynton of SP Broadway on