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Our Proposals & Masterplan

The image below shows our draft  initial masterplan for 63 homes, alongside extensive landscaping, biodiversity enhancements and sustainable drainage.

We would be interested in your comments on the draft initial masterplan which includes:

  • 63 well-designed homes
  • 25 affordable homes (40% of the total development in line with current council policy)
  • Road access to/from Wantage Road
  • Local Area for Play (LAP) for the use of children in new homes
  • 0.54 hectares of public open space

Nicholas King Homes is applying to South Oxfordshire District Council for outline planning permission following a series of pre-application discussions with Planning Officers. Applying for outline planning permission means the design of each home will be fixed at a later stage in the process. However, key design principles will be informed by the work currently taking place and your comments. A Design and Access Statement will accompany the planning application alongside a comprehensive suite of technical surveys and assessments covering water management, biodiversity net gain, ecology, landscaping and highways.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Edward Poynton of SP Broadway on